Sunday, June 24, 2012

Fiqh Perubatan Islam


For those freshly graduated from medical school and currently have nothing much to do as you awaits for the letter from the ministry, why not fill up all those free time by gathering up useful and important knowledge through reading?

Yeah, I know that some of you might say, "Oh Gosh, I've spent the last 5 years reading and now when I finally have a long vacation you are asking me to read some more?!"

Well, that's how I've felt too. But I realise that this precious leisure time won't be coming around again and this is the perfect moment to update and upgrade myself.

So, for the beginning I would suggest reading this book

this book contains all the knowledge that you need to know to assist you in dealing with muslim patients, and also assisting them to continue practicing their faith even when they are sick.

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